Colombia Tips

COLOMBIA TIP #1 – Please forget all of your stereotypes, negative thoughts, and preconceived ideas about Colombia – this country is AWESOME.

COLOMBIA TIP #2 – “No hay problemas en Colombia!”

COLOMBIA TIP #3 – You’re going to want to stay longer than originally planned…

COLOMBIA TIP #4 – Rolling your R’s is practically essential; if genetics dealt you a bad hand, you are definitely disadvantaged.

COLOMBIA TIP #5 – Sometimes you get so busy you forget to be keeping your blog updated.

COLOMBIA TIP #6 – Colombians are CRAZY about their futbol – so you should be too!

COLOMBIA TIP #7 – Forget Valentine’s Day, Colombia has a whole month for Love & Friendship. 

COLOMBIA TIP #8 – As hard as you try, you cannot avoid culture shock.

COLOMBIA TIP #9 – Be careful with the water you drink!

COLOMBIA TIP #10 – Do not flush toilet paper down the toilet; instead place it in the garbage can beside you.

COLOMBIA TIP #11 – Become friends with the locals – they know the places to go and the sights to see!

COLOMBIA TIP #12 – Just dance.

COLOMBIA TIP #14 – There is more variety in this country than the number of mosquito bites I got (which is a lot).

COLOMBIA TIP #15 – Take all precautions to beat the heat – hats, sunscreen, and jumping in the water every 20 minutes.

COLOMBIA TIP #16 – Many steps + Altitude = Exhaustion

COLOMBIA TIP #17 – Remember your yellow, blue, and red.

COLOMBIA TIP #18 – At Carnaval, Go Big or Go Home

COLOMBIA TIP #19 – Do not assume the person you’re sitting next to understands your language.

COLOMBIA TIP #21 – Colombia does Christmas right.

COLOMBIA TIP #23 – As much as you want to, do not pet the stray dogs.

COLOMBIA TIP #25 – Sandwiching adventure with a rest in between is usually a good idea.

COLOMBIA TIP #26 – Don’t be sucked into buying something just because the prices seem so low!

COLOMBIA TIP #28 – I have no idea how, but Colombians can ALWAYS tell you are a foreigner.

COLOMBIA TIP #30 – If you happen to score a goal with your head while playing futbol with Colombians, just smile and act like it’s an everyday occurrence.

COLOMBIA TIP #31 – As a gringa, you are twice as likely to be remembered.

COLOMBIA TIP #33 – Be prepared to lose some blood, give your fingerprints, and sign your life away.

COLOMBIA TIP #34 – Keep your weekends busy and your long weekends busier.

COLOMBIA TIP #35 – When they say the students are loud and chatty here, they weren’t kidding.

COLOMBIA TIP #36 – Rain boots may be a good idea – the drainage infrastructure may not be up to par

COLOMBIA TIP #37 – Keep in mind, any sports teams you start to play with will be completely in Spanish.

COLOMBIA TIP #41 – Even if you manage to fall asleep at some point, night buses are the worst.

COLOMBIA TIP #45 – Only go hiking down that mountain if you are prepared to hike back up.

COLOMBIA TIP #46 – Only go hiking up that mountain if you are prepared to hike back down.

COLOMBIA TIP #48 – Sometimes things (like volcanoes) are greatly exaggerated in Colombia.

COLOMBIA TIP #50 – Every once in a while, think back to when you first arrived and now look how far you’ve come.

SOUTH AMERICA TIP #6 – Be prepared for all sorts of weather, even the cold!

SOUTH AMERICA TIP #17 – Spanglish can get you farther than you think.

TEACHING ABROAD TIP #1 – Keeping a blog is quite difficult when you have marking and planning and a lack of sleep and ten other things on your mind at once!

TEACHING ABROAD TIP #5 – It’s always handy having friends in places all over the world.

TRAVEL TIP #2 – Always have the address of the place you’re going in a foreign country. 

TRAVEL TIP #(LUCKY)13 – When travelling, always bring: a travel buddy, your patience, and most importantly your passport.

LIFE TIP #5 – Never underestimate the importance of water!

COSTA RICA TIP #1 – For heaven’s sake, remember your Yellow Fever Card!

CUBA TIP #1 – Bring your walking/salsa shoes!

One response to “Colombia Tips

  1. Diego Garcia

    Nice website!!!! Excellent tips!
    -Diego Garcia

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